source shop.jpbooks.co.uk minna no nihonggo |
source cinematicroom.com |
This was the first japanese grammar syllabus that we learned. For someone like me who came to AAJ with the knowledge near to nothing about japanese language is like, "aaah!!!" the heck.
The "worm" like characters, the somewhat arrogant way of writing, and the ethics of "all to be done in order", are really taking me up to the limit.
harisen-kondo.laff.jp |
I even thought of quitting AAJ, but every great achievement demands a great sacrifice, so I endured it all up till now, right now, I'll be finishing my study in AAJ, and in a couple of months, I'll be attending University in Japan. Actually as we're coming to the end of AAJ, that marks our step into the life of Scholar in a foreign land,
mirrorgroup.co.uk |
Will we be able to adapt to the new land? Will we be able to make new friends? Will we be able to remain as who we are? All to be answered when we're there, what is needed is, the braveness to TAKE A STEP AHEAD
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs018.snc6/166799_1508604609038_1652030494_1187870_8049488_n.jpg |
AAJ = (ambang asuhan jepun)(Special preparatory program for studying abroad in Japan)
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